pwncollege.pwncollege — The pwncollege API Client

Session Caching

If the cache option is sent when initializing an API client, the library will follow this algorithm:

  • Check if the given path exists
    • If it does, load the cookie_token from the file.

    • Check if the cookie_token is expired

    • If it is, fall back to a login prompt

  • If it isn’t, fall back to a login prompt

  • After any login prompts, and at program exit, the current token pair will be dumped out to the cache file.

If the option is not set, no cache is used at all.

API Client

class pwncollege.pwncollege.PWNClient(email: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, cache: str | None = None, site_base: str = '', app_cookie: str | None = None, notif: bool = True)[source]

The client via which API requests are made


Connecting to the API:

from pwncollege import PWNClient
client = PWNClient(email="", password="S3cr3tP455w0rd!")
client = PWNClient(email="unique1234", password="S3cr3tP455w0rd!")
value for email can also be username

Authenticates to the API.

If cache is set, the client will attempt to load access tokens from the given path. If they cannot be found, or are expired, normal API authentication will take place, and the tokens will be dumped to the file for the next launch.

  • email – The authenticating user’s email address

  • password – The authenticating user’s password

  • cache – The path to load/store access tokens from/to

  • app_cookie – Authenticate using a provided App Cookie

create_challenge(dojo: str, module: str, chall: Challenge) Challenge[source]

Creates a Challenge object from needed info

do_login(email: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, app_cookie: str | None = None)[source]

Authenticates against the API. If credentials are not provided, they will be prompted for.

do_request(endpoint, json_data=None, data=None, post=False, nonce: str | None = None, patch: bool = False) Response[source]
  • endpoint – The API/normal endpoint to request

  • json_data – Data to be sent in JSON format

  • data – Data to be sent in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format

  • post – Force POST request


The JSON response from the API or the raw response if not JSON

dump_to_cache(cache: str)[source]

Dumps the current access and refresh tokens to a file :param cache: The path to the cache file

get_belts() dict[source]

Requests a list of available belts

Returns: A list of belts

get_challenges(dojo: str, module: str) List['Challenge'][source]

Requests a list of Challenge from the API in a module

  • dojo – The dojo to fetch challenges from

  • module – The module to fetch challenges from

Returns: A list of Challenge

get_dojo_ranking(dojo: str, duration: int = 0, page: int = 1) Leaderboard[source]

Returns: A Leaderboard of the top 20 Users in the Dojo

get_dojos() List[str][source]

Requests a list of available dojos

Returns: A list of dojos

get_module_ranking(dojo: str, module: str, duration: int = 0, page: int = 1) Leaderboard[source]

Returns: A Leaderboard of the top 20 Users in the Module

get_modules(dojo: str) List[str][source]

Requests a list of available modules in a dojo


dojo – The dojo to fetch modules from

Returns: A list of modules

get_user(user_id: int) User[source]

user_id – The platform ID of the User to fetch

Returns: The requested User

load_from_cache(cache: str, notif: bool = True) bool[source]

cache – The cache file path

Returns: Whether loading from the cache was successful

property user: User

The User associated with the current PWNClient

